Subscription website moved into Self Service

For historical reasons, the website to manage subscriptions to data was using a separate website (and “separate-everything”). Over the past months we worked to integrate this into the more generic Self Service.

This has now been finalized, and all subscription functions (get a new subscription, renew a subscription, print invoice, manage download IPs) are available from the “Subscription” tab in the Self Service.

Existing users, their subscriptions and their download IPs have been migrated, but for security reasons passwords have been reset. To log in, these users should follow the following steps:

  • Go to the Self Service portal and select “Forgot password”. The email address is the same as the one previously used.
  • “Forgot password” will send an email to the registered address with a link. Clicking the link will display the new password.
  • Once logged in, all data is available under the “Subscription” tab.

For all questions, please contact us at office (at)